Exam Furniture
The exam period is a very stressful time for students, but organising exams can also be extremely stressful. Having to find a large number of desks and chairs for a reasonable price can be problematic, so why not let Furniture Hire UK help you!
Exam Desks
I need a large number of exams desks, what would you recommend?
When looking for exam desks, you want something made from high quality material at a reasonable price, which is why the Folding Exam Desks is the perfect choice! These desks are made from high quality material so you not that they will be sturdy! They also include a handy pen grove, which is useful for students.
A great thing about these desks is that they are lightweight and easy to fold up meaning that if you ever need to store them then that is not a problem. Furniture Hire UK realise that these desks are usually ordered in large amounts so have made it that the more you hire the cheaper it is!
Additional exam furniture
Students will need comfortable chairs, what do you have to offer?
One of our most popular chairs is the Blue Polyprop Chair. We know the important of a comfortable chair during exams, which is why these chairs are great as they have a hole in the back to provide flexibility and easy breathe ventilation. These chairs are lightweight and also stack up to 10 high when they are not being using meaning they are extremely easy to store!
Benefits of hiring furniture
Will hiring furniture actually save me money?
Luckily for students, exams usually only happen 2-3 times a year so it seems silly buying over a hundred desks and chairs for something that doesn’t happen enough for you to get your moneys worth. By choosing to hire your exam furniture instead of buying it not only are you saving yourself money but you are also saving yourself the effort of having to store all this furniture when you are not using it.
Why choose Furniture Hire UK?
Furniture Hire UK is a trusted company and has a large number of loyal customers. One reason for this is that we strive to provide you with high quality furniture for the cheapest possible price. So why not give us a call today on 0844 567 5744 and see all the great pieces that we have to offer you!