Monday 7th February 2011 saw the host of our brand new step by step guide which is completely self-contained and directs our visitors through a set of simple questions assisting them to design the perfect banquet. Products can be added to a quotation instantly and the whole process can be finalised in minutes.
Each step covers all the necessary requirements our visitors may have regarding the design and planning of their event or function. The steps range from choosing your banquet chair and seat pad to the cutlery and crockery which may be required.
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{{ cart.addonProducts.addons[0].name }} or {{ cart.addonProducts.addons[1].name }} or {{ cart.addonProducts.addons[2].name }} for the {{ cart.addonProducts.qty }} x
{{ cart.addonProducts.product.product_name }}?
{{ }} :
Item added. You're only 2 clicks away from getting
a quote!