Wooden Pedestal Guide
What are the advantages of hiring a mobile pedestal?
Storing your items safely and securely but in a place that is appropriately smart for your business is not always easy. The mobile pedestal however ticks all the boxes when it comes to ensuring that your storage items are kept in a smart and secure environment.
Can I move the pedestal around easily?
The fact that our pedestals are mobile means you can move your items accordingly. If for example you need to relocate from one area of the office to another, change desks or work from another room then the mobile pedestal is an ideal storage facility. It enables you to move freely as appropriate to your working environment without having the upheaval of having to individually retrieve documents and files and move them around the office. You can just as easily leave everything in one place and move the pedestal as appropriate.
Where would you put a mobile pedestal?
This is easily answered by determining what and where the mobile pedestal would be appropriately placed in your office, the height and width of the mobile pedestals however make them an ideal storage facility to place below desks (our folding straight leg desks for example are an excellent desk hire choice to accompany the mobile pedestals since they are easily and snugly accommodated beneath the desks).
They are however also a great stand-alone storage facility item since you can hire as many or few as you want and move the pedestals as and where necessary when required. The mobile pedestals are a great storage facility for any business environment, but are also an ideal means of storage for reception areas, storing miscellaneous files and papers, or for placement in places such as doctors surgeries and hospitals anywhere where there is need to have instant access to your storage material but with the added of advantage of being able to move the pedestal according to the environment you are working in.
Why hire a mobile pedestal?
There are many reasons for hiring a mobile pedestal, the range we have on offer makes choosing this item of furniture both convenient and easy. Our selection includes both neutral white and wood tone. They are both smart and elegant giving you the choice of choosing exactly the right colour co-ordination for your business.
Finally by choosing to hire a mobile pedestal instead of buying one you are able to enjoy the product for as long or short a period as necessary to your requirements, updating and changing as appropriate.