Putting the Poo Into Green Policy?

Putting the Poo Into Green Policy?

Green policies don’t just save you money, they can attract more customers, although the last tip here might get you wincing…

Sleep on the job…

There are so many ways that you can give your company a green makeover, you might not know where to begin. Starting small is a good idea, such as recycling paper, making sure computers are set up so they sleep when not in use, and lights are turned off when they’re not needed.

Waste not - want not - our 4 favourite tips

As well as leading to fewer carbon emissions, putting into practice measures to reduce the energy your business uses and the waste it creates can also save you lots of money. Below are some of our favourite ways companies might reduce power use and go green...

1. Super simple - don’t be shy

All companies have to start somewhere when it comes to being carbon friendly. This tip is one of the easiest and simplest, all you need is some labels and a pen. Lots of offices have a huge array of light switches, with many of us not sure which switches relates to which room, so we just turn lots on.

This can lead to huge waste, because it’s unlikely that every room is occupied all the time, and with the Department of Energy and Climate change estimating that 21% of a building’s energy use goes on lighting it’s a massive cost to keep premises lit. All that’s required is a label under each switch so workers know which ones to turn on or off.

2. Make waste work!

Light isn’t the only thing that might not be used as efficiently as it could. Daily, our workplace bins fill up with all manner of rubbish - some of it unwanted food. Marks & Spencer are dealing with this issue head on in some locations by turning this kind of waste into power. The clothing giant has installed anaerobic digestion units to do this, and although this might be beyond the facilities in your company, being mindful of food waste and disposing of it in the correct recycling bins might go some way in helping you to go green.

3. Turn it down

Believe it or not, by installing the right technology you can adjust the energy levels coming into your company - and consequently save money. The EU requires that CE marked appliances are made to work at 207V, but as average UK voltage is 242V this kind of equipment might need to be replaced more often. So why not adapt your incoming energy so it flows into your premises at a lower voltage - this is exactly what a recent client of ours helps with, by installing voltage optimisation technology.

Figures from our customer - Carbon Management Services - who recently hired our one and two seater white corbusiers sofas, highlights how voltage optimisation technology cuts electricity consumption by 18%. This reduction leads to a decrease in bills related to power usage, and is a great way to boost green credentials.

4. Dung be grossed out…

Elephant dung might be something we associate more with zoos than beautiful items made from paper. But, Sri Lanka based company Eco Maximus are going to challenge your perceptions… they take animal poo and transform it into a stunning range of products, including corporate stationery, wedding cards, calendars and more, if this is a step too far for your business then maybe just installing some paper recycling bins will do for now!

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