Order Exam Tables Now For Industry Beating Prices!
Planning ahead for exam season not only allows you to be more organised, but now saves you money thanks to our industry beating prices for our folding exam desks!
Best rates around
We’ve decided to lower the rates for this product, so you’re able to place you order well ahead of that busy time of year when assessments take place. Schools, colleges, universities and training providers often have tests scheduled ahead of the summer holidays, making it a prime time for exam desk orders.
Schedule your delivery for any time...
Instead of lots of organisations rushing to place their orders at the same time of year, we’re encouraging you to book your exam tables now, so you benefit from the best prices, whether you have assessments booked soon, or for later in the year. Although we always guarantee permanently low prices, this offer is industry beating and means you can save a significant amount of money when it comes to arranging your exam furniture hire needs. Booking and paying for your order now, doesn’t mean you have to have them delivered while the offer is running - quite the opposite!
We cater for any exams
You’re able to schedule your order to arrive any day of the year and for however long you need them for. Whether you arranging GCSEs/A Levels before the Summer term ends, or exams are taking places in other locations, such as workplaces or at training providers - you’re free to take advantage of our offer.
Taking the pressure of you!
Booking ahead in this way can take the pressure off that busy time of year and can help to ensure all your assessments go smoothly. In addition to exam tables, we also have a fantastic range of very affordable seating - which includes our polyprop and stacking chairs, two very popular options to combine with our exam tables!
Affordable seating available too
Large educational institutions and training providers often choose our polyprop chairs. These are available in black or blue, and can be stacked ten high when not in use - so don’t take up much room when you need to store them. The robust design and sturdy materials used to make these products results in a very strong and exceptionally affordable chair, which is contoured and has a ventilation hole for comfort.
Comfort counts
When comfort is a prime factor for candidates, then you can also order our stacking chair. Thanks to this product line’s superior upholstery, it has a very comfortable seat that’s shaped to provide support in the lumbar region. The chrome frame complements the black or blue finish of the chair, making it a very smart looking chair hire choice - great for corporate locations, or venues where you’d like a professional vibe.
So, to take advantage of our fantastic deal, simply order your exam tables today and we’ll process your payment - making your assessments much more affordable and stress free too!