Furniture Findings...
Everyday furniture items are rich in history and date back further than we think. Here is just a snippet of what we found out.
Bistro Tables
There is a mystery attached to the word 'Bistro' which relates to a little known legend that has become buried in the archives of myths that may or may not be true. We dug a little deeper and found out that historically the word bistro is thought to originate from the Russian occupation of Paris during 1815. It seems that Russian soldiers would shout "Bystra" when hungry which translates as "hurry up" when ordering food from the French.
The word then became adapted to bistro to signify a place where you could sit and enjoy both food and beverages, much like the latter bistros or Parisian cafes that began to evolve throughout Paris
Other explanations cite the emergence of the bistro as being over seventy years after the Russian occupation and evolved from the French bistreau which translates as innkeeper. This perhaps would appear a more logical explanation since many historians consider the bistro to have evolved from Parisian landlords offering food and lodging to tenants.
Folding Tables
The folding table is characterized by its simplicity and ease of use, many are fitted with a snap lock mechanism that enables the table to be set up quickly and folded down with ease.
The Egyptian connection
Would you believe that the folding table is actually thought to date back to the time of the ancient Egyptians, These super simple and versatile tables also came in very handy during the Victorian era and colonial period.
Moving with the times
Later models of the folding table were adapted so that they could be carried and were popular with paper hangers and handy men. Throughout the 20th Century the folding table became increasingly popular due to its adaptability and versatility. Today the folding table is accommodated in a range of both outdoor and indoor spaces, and can be used for a multitude of locations and environments.
Variations of the folding table - Banquet Tables
Our trestle tables are incredibly useful since they can be used for a variety of purposes including social events, banquets, exhibitions and so forth. Collapsible and stackable these type of folding tables are ideal for a range of environments.
Folding Picnic table
There are few people who do not yearn for a mechanism that will assist with the picnic particularly groups who have decided to have a picnic at the beach or out on a day trip. The ease and use of the folding table makes the picnic a desirable option, just fold it up or down and voila you are ready to go.
Folding exam tables
The folding exam table covers a full spectrum of uses, it can be accommodated in exam halls and also for study purposes. Their quick set up makes them incredibly easy and convenient to use.
You might not think a lectern could have such a history as to be included in our little snippets of facts and features yet the lectern is one of those furniture hire accessories that tend to be a lot more useful than anticipated. Our contemporary Lecterns are frequently hired for conferences, university lectures and so forth but have they always been used just for this purpose?
A Lectern unsurprisingly comes from the Latin word to read and it is invariably what a lectern is used for, reading a script or speech and delivering seminars and so forth However there are a variable range of purposes for which the lectern is employed including corporate and social spaces as well as for hotels and auction houses.
Religious purposes
Lecterns are ideally placed in a church environment, since speeches, scriptures and readings are frequently delivered to members of the congregation. The top is generally slanted to assist with reading, exactly like the lectern we hire to our customers. Often a bible is placed on the lectern from which passages are read
If you have ever watched ‘songs of praise’ or a similar program you may have noted the lectern at the front of the church. Often choir members will sing at some point during the service. If a lead choir member takes to the stage, then a lectern is appropriately placed in front of them to assist with reading from hymn sheets.
In North America and Britain some lecterns are made with an adornment of angels, either as an angel balanced below the lectern seemingly supporting the tablet or angel wings and other variations.
Academic purposes
Lecterns are particularly useful and popular for educational purposes, there are few universities and or colleges that do not employ a lectern to deliver key note speeches, seminars and lectures to students and staff.
Some of the more contemporary features of the lectern in this context can include a built in microphone, or audio-visual controls, these types of lecterns are usually used when delivering speeches to mass audiences. However many of the more modern lecterns do not employ these added extras that are sometimes considered to be more convoluted and unnecessary, particularly when you can simply wear or attach a microphone to the lectern if necessary.
The lectern has been around for a long time in many shapes and forms and has the advantage of being a great furniture accessory for a number of formal and informal environments, from the political conference to the church pulpit to the class room and lecture halls.