Boardroom Furniture Hire - Where Do You Sit?

Boardroom Furniture Hire - Where Do You Sit?

The 4 Power Positions In Meetings: Where Do You Sit?

Where do you sit in meetings? Do you grab the seat furthest from the boss? If you are the boss do you grab the head of the table? Perhaps you even prefer to stand in meetings, which could be a bit weird if everybody else is sitting down. Well, wherever you prefer to sit, your seating position could directly influence your effectiveness during the meeting. Let’s take a look at the 4 meeting power positions and what they mean.

The Seat Of Power

As the name suggests, the seat of power is the ultimate power position and typically found at the head of the table. It’s the seat from which decisions are made, firings happen and from where the meeting direction usually flows. Whilst sitting in this position doesn’t mean you have to have a huge ego, it is the seat that is usually reserved for the Chair. If that’s you then you’re going to be expected to keep the agenda moving, keep the meeting on time and on topic and ultimately make decisions.

The Seat At The Other End

If you want to keep a low profile during your next meeting, steer clear of the seat opposite the seat of power. This seat is traditionally seen to be the second power position. However, if you are presenting or will be called upon to deliver important information, this is the seat to take. It is also the seat that is often given to clients when they visit the office. Smart leaders (and megalomaniacs) who want to maintain their position of power may do away with the second position of power altogether by strategically placing a whiteboard or screen in its place.

The Flank Positions

The seats next to the Chair at either side have the ear and attention of the Chair. By sitting here you could influence the content and flow of the meeting by making suggestions to the Chair. Beware however, as you could also be first in the firing line to answer challenging questions so take this positive carefully. The flank seat to the right of the Chair is also traditionally reserved for the second in command.

Middle Ground

If you sit in any of the middle seats you may be talked over and across throughout the meeting, and may not get a chance to air your opinions or put suggestions forward. If that’s the exact thing you’re going for then the middle is for you! It’s also a great place to sit if you are new or don’t know many people in the meeting. It will give you a chance to size people up and determine the best place to sit next time.

Wherever You Sit, Make It Comfortable

No matter what your position at the table, it’s important that you are comfortable. Choosing the right meeting chairs will help attendees to focus on the meeting rather than fidgeting in their seats trying to find a comfortable position. Our Executive Meeting Chairs are sturdy, comfortable and stylish and will help you to get the best from your meeting without breaking your budget.